October First Friday // Failure


Hello Missoula Spectators of Art -

A couple months ago Jessica Vizzutti (whom use to work at the MMAC on campus is now working at the student health center on campus) got in touch with me to discuss the possibility to collaborate on a project to bring awareness and acceptance to the idea of failure. The idea being that failure is one of the steps in the process of learning and that without being willing to fail you won’t ever take risks or make new and exciting discoveries. In coordination with the health center's efforts on campus, Real Good will be hosting an off-campus event.

So here is the skinny:

We here at Real Good Art Space are teaming up with the University of Montana's Curry Health Center for a first Friday exhibit in October. The theme is one we all know too well ... FAILURE. So if you are like me, your storage space is probably bursting at the seams with creations that never really met their potential. Now is the opportunity to those eye-sores on display in a public setting. It is important to be able to accept not being perfect, smile, and eat cheese with others, who too, understand falling short of their potential. 

Best Fail Ever

A Juried Group Failure Exhibit

October 7, 2016 8-10 PM



Exhibiting eclectic artists include: Parker Beckley, Courtney Blazon, Jethro Fisher, Halisia Hubbard, David Mile Lusk, Clayton McDougall, Jeff Medley, Jack Metcalf, Marc Moss, Acton Seibel, Ryan Seitz, April Werle, Liz Williams, and Michael Workman.


Artist were asked to explain why they considered the work a failure, and the responses ranged from:

- poor use of color theory

- the artwork was returned to the artist by the love interest they created it for

- misspelling of the word Achievement for a design intended for a writing award graphic

- rejected work from a previous juried exhibition

a small suitcase full of some Connecticut guy's attempt at art school by mail from the late 50s/early 60s

- the piece is potentially dangerous to get close to

 it reminded the artist of 'black face'


Thanks for your time and we will see you there!

Jack Metcalf


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