Call for Entries // Call for Failures

Even the Poster Ain't that Great

Even the Poster Ain't that Great

Dear Artists and Non-Artists Alike -

We here at Real Good Art Space are teaming up with the University of Montana's Curry Health Center for a first Friday exhibit in October. The theme is one we all know too well ... FAILURE. So if you are like me, your storage space is probably bursting at the seams with creations that never really met their potential. Now is the opportunity to submit, and celebrate those eye-sores on display in a public setting. It is important to be able to accept not being perfect, smile, and eat cheese with others, who too, understand falling short of their potential. Here is the skinny:

Best Fail Ever
A Juried Group Failure Exhibit
Real Good Art Space
October 7, 2016 8-10 PM

9/05/16 + Submissions (up to 3) are to be digitally submitted to by Monday September 5th at midnight. All mediums will be considered. Please include title, medium, special needs, and in a reasonable/logical size/format.

9/10/16 + Notification of accepted Failures will be sent out.

10/02/16-10/04/16 + Delivery of Artwork to Real Good Art Space

10/07/16 + Opening

10/09/16-10/11/16 + Pick up of Failures that failed to sell

Feel free to respond with any questions/comments/qualms. Also feel free to spend the word to anyone you may feel would be interested.

Signing off,

Jack Metcalf

Jack MetcalfComment